This archive contains machine specific files for compiling POV on the Macintosh.
It can be extracted using the Stuffit Expander, available from Aladdin through any one of the following sources:
America Online: use QuickFinder with the following words to describe your area of interest:
stuffit expander
Compuserve: join the MACSYS forum, and search the libraries for the following keyword:
The latest version as of 4/26/92 is: stufex.sea, if you want to download it without searching the libraries.
The Twilight Zone BBS: (619) 480-2435, Escondido, CA. Download StufEx.sea from the files section. Uploaded on 4/26/92. Preferred downloading site, as I'll post any updates here first.
The Graphics Alternative BBS: (510) 524-2780, El Cerrito, CA. I uploaded it on 4/26/92 but don't know yet whether it will be posted.
You Can Call Me Ray BBS: (708) 358-5611. I'm still trying to get through at a time when there's free space on the upload volume, and post here as soon as possible.
components.h - Apple include file for QuickTime support
config.h - Mac version of the configuration header file.
DoPOVPerf - an MPW file for doing performance analysis of POV-Ray code
ImageCompression.h - Apple include file for QuickTime support - this file
POV.C - Main application, mac-specific support routines.
pov.╣.rsrc - POV Mac resources (dialogs, balloon help, icons etc.)
POVMac.h - Header file for POV.C and TextEditor.c
printf2window.c - support code for redirecting C stdio to a window
printf2window.h - header file for printf2window.c, used by POV.C
ReadMe.txt - Release notes for using or compiling the Mac version of POV-Ray.
SaveCmpPict.c - QuickTime compressed picture saving code for POV-Ray
SaveCmpPict.h - header file for QuickTime compressed pictures
StdCompression.h - Apple include file for QuickTime support
StdCompressionGlue.o - Apple glue code for using QuickTime under MPW
StdCompressionGlue.╣ - Think C version of glue code
stdio_p2w.h - header file for printf2window.c, used by config.h
TextEditor.C - Code for the POV-Ray Source definition file editor.
These files should only have arrived to you as part of the POV-Ray source package, which includes versions for many other computers. You should also have received the file POVLEGAL.DOC, which contains the full copyright as well as distribution restrictions on the POV package. If you did not receive POVLEGAL.DOC, you were given an incomplete version of the POV-Ray source in violation of the POV-Ray copyright. If this is the case, or for more information, please contact: